We Serve Child Custody Papers

Need To Serve Child Custody Papers?

Call Now!

(800) 683-4769

Steps To Serve Child Custody Papers:

  1. Complete the online form below.  You will be contacted by either by telephone or email.  The base price to serve your child custody papers is $125. Additional fees charged for services like rush service, stake out, service attempts at multiple locations like their job, home, mom's house, large pages of documents to print ect.  Hopefully your documents are in an electronic format (PDF).  I can meet you in the Sacramento area to pick up the documents.  
  2. Once You accept the offer to serve the child custody papers, you will receive an online paypal invoice for payment.  Service will start after payment is received.
  3. Email your documents to Ljkc916@gmail.com, Fax (916) 244-2636 or I can meet you to pick up the documents.  I will call you and obtain payment over the phone.
  4. You will be notified via email/text once the person is served.
  5. We will complete the Proof of Personal Service and mail the original to  you via first class mail.  If you need a rush on the proof of service and have it either delivered to you personally or filled with the court an additional fee will be charged.

Need Help Serving Child Custody and Visitation Orders?  

Sacramento's #1 Process Server Lance Casey & Associates states "We serve FL-300 Request for Order, FL-305 Temporary Emergency (Ex Parte) Orders, FL-320 Responsive Declaration to Request for Order, FL-150 Income and Expense Declaration."


Process Server Sacramento

Request for Order


Use the Information Sheet for Request for Order (Form FL-300-INFO) for information on how to fill out the Request for Order.

Ask your family law facilitator if you need to check the box for “Court Order” and item 4 on FL-300.

Child Custody and Visitation Application Attachment


Optional form, but it may help you ensure you do not leave anything out of your request.

Temporary Emergency (Ex Parte) Orders


If you want to get a temporary order, talk to the family law facilitator or contact a lawyer for help.

Declaration Regarding Notice and Delivery of Request for Temporary Emergency (Ex Parte) Orders



Proof of Personal Service


For instructions, read Information Sheet for Proof of Personal Service (Form FL-330-INFO).

Responsive Declaration to Request for Order


Form includes instructions. Attach it blank.

Complete The Form Below

Process Service Order Form

  • List your first and last name if not a firm.
  • Please describe how you found our website: Example, YouTube Video, ect.
    Choose your service type. You will receive an online invoice for payment after we receive your documents with instructions.
  • Provide the name of each person or entity being served at the same address. Example: Facebook c/o CSC Lawyers Incorporating Service
  • List the title of each document being served and form number. This information will be used to complete the proof of service form. Example: SC-100 Plaintiffs Claim and Order To Go To Small Claims Court.
  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 128 MB.
      Upload file here. You can email your file to Ljkc916@gmail.com or fax to (916) 244-2636.