The court accepted your filling for a civil harassment order. Now the person from who protection is sought has to be personally served copies of the following:
- CH-109, Notice of Court Hearing
- CH-110, Temporary Restraining Order
- CH-100, Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders
- CH-120, Response to Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders (Blank Form)
- CH-120-INFO, How To Respond to a Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders?
- CH-130, Civil Harassment Restraining Order After Hearing
- CH-800, Proof of Firearms Turned In, Sold, or stored (blank form)
- Other (specify): _________________________________
Do You Need A Civil Harassment Restraining Order Forms Packet? Click The Link Below.
Civil Harassment Restraining Order Sacramento Forms
Civil Harassment Restraining Order Sacramento Forms
We Serve Restraining Orders
Steps To Serve A Restraining Order:
- Complete the online form below. You will be contacted by either by telephone or email. The base price to serve your harassment order is $125. Additional fees charged for services like rush service, stake out, service attempts at multiple locations like their job, home, mom's house, large pages of documents to print ect. Hopefully your documents are in an electronic format (PDF). If not you will be able deliver the document to my office at Lance Casey & Associates 2386 Fair Oaks Blvd Sacramento, CA 95825.
- Once You accept the offer to serve the restraining order, you will receive an online paypal invoice for payment. Service will start after payment is received.
- Email, Fax (916) 244-2636 or deliver your documents. Several of the pages have two sides. Make sure to include the back page if needed.
- You will be notified via email/text once the person is served.
- We will complete the CH-200 Proof of Personal Service and mail the original to you via first class mail. If you need a rush on the proof of service and have it either delivered to you personally or filled with the court an additional fee will be charged.
Complete The Form Below To Serve Your Civil Harassment Restraining Order.
We Serve Civil Harassment Restraining Orders
Sacramento’s #1 Process Service Company
Lance Casey & Associates
Sacramento’s #1 Process Service Company Lance Casey & Associates states. “Need a good process server in the Sacramento California area to serve your legal documents? Hire Process Server Lance Casey & Associates. Call us at (800) 683-4769. The process is easy. Just email or Fax (916) 244-2636 your documents. We can even pick up your documents if you’re in the Sacramento area. After we print your documents, we will call you and obtain payment over the phone. Our first attempt is usually the same day.”
Process Server Sacramento Yelp
Read Ravee K.'s review of Lance Casey & Associates on Yelp
Read Jennifer P.'s review of Lance Casey & Associates on Yelp
Read Joan P.'s review of Lance Casey & Associates on Yelp
Difficult To Serve Defendant?
Have you tried serving the defendant and they are refusing to open the door? Have you hired other process servers or the Sheriff’s Department to serve your documents but they were unsuccessful? Don't know the defendant's current address for service of process? Have multiple address for the defendant? Watch This Video of a hard to serve defendant.
Need Help Serving Small Claims?
SC-100 Plaintiff’s Claim and Order to Go to Small Claims Court, SC-107 Small Claims Subpoena for Personal Appearance and Production of Documents at Trial or Hearing and Declaration
Need Help Serving a Restraining Order?
DV-110 Temporary Restraining order, CH-100 Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders, DV-100 Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order.
Need Help Serving Child Custody and Visitation Orders?
We serve FL-300 Request for Order, FL-305 Temporary Emergency (Ex Parte) Orders, FL-320 Responsive Declaration to Request for Order, FL-150 Income and Expense Declaration
Need help serving a Subpoena Duces Tecum?
SUBP-001 Civil Subpoena for Personal Appearance At Trial or Hearing, SUBP-002 Civil Subpoena (Duces Tecum) for Personal Appearance and Production of Documents, Electronically Stored Information, and Things at Trial or Hearing and Declaration, SUBP-010 Deposition Subpoena for Production of Business Records, SUBP-015 Deposition Subpoena For Personal Appearance, SUBP-020 Deposition Subpoena For Personal Appearance and Production of Documents and Things, SUBP-025 Notice to Consumer or Employee and Objection
Need Help Serving Family Law/Divorce Papers?
FL-100 Petition - Marriage/Domestic Partnership, FL-105 Declaration Under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA), FL-110 Summons (Family Law), FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons (Family Law), FL-130 Appearance, Stipulations, and Waivers (Family Law-Uniform Parentage-Custody and Support), FL-142 Schedule of Assets and Debts (Family Law)
Need Help Serving CSC Lawyers Incorporating Service, Prentice-Hall Corporation System Inc, Corporation Service Company D/B/A CSC Lawyers Incorporating Services?
We provide process service of Prentice-Hall Corporation System Inc, Corporation Service Company which will do business in California as CSC - Lawyers Incorporating Service 2710 gateway oaks drive suite 150n Sacramento Ca 95833.
How To Find A Good Process Server?
Process Server Lance Casey & Associates states “Find a good process server by looking online. Check their reviews on Yelp and Google. Need a good process server in the Sacramento California area to serve your legal documents? Hire Process Server Lance Casey & Associates. Call us at (800) 683-4769. The process is easy. Just email or Fax (916) 244-2636 your documents. We can even pick up your documents if you’re in the Sacramento area. After we print your documents, we will call you and obtain payment over the phone. Our first attempt is usually the same day.”
Is Being A Process Server Dangerous?
Process Server Lance Casey & Associates states “Process serving can be dangerous. That is why you should hire a professional process server to serve your legal documents.” Need a good process server in the Sacramento California area to serve your legal documents? Hire Process Server Lance Casey & Associates. Call us at (800) 683-4769. The process is easy. Just email or Fax (916) 244-2636 your documents. We can even pick up your documents if you’re in the Sacramento area. After we print your documents, we will call you and obtain payment over the phone. Our first attempt is usually the same day.
Who Uses Process Servers?
Process Server Lance Casey & Associates states “a professional process server works form may types of clients which include attorneys, law firms, corporations, businesses and the general public. These clients use process servers to serve divorce papers, restraining orders, small claims, CSC lawyers, subpoenas, and eviction notices. Need a good process server in the Sacramento California area to serve your legal documents? Hire Process Server Lance Casey & Associates. Call us at (800) 683-4769. The process is easy. Just email or Fax (916) 244-2636 your documents. We can even pick up your documents if you’re in the Sacramento area. After we print your documents, we will call you and obtain payment over the phone. Our first attempt is usually the same day.
What To Say When Serving Divorce Papers?
Process Server Lance Casey & Associates states “The most important step is to make sure you are serving the correct person either by name or photo. I hand them the documents and tell them they are being served legal papers.” Need a good process server in the Sacramento California area to serve your legal documents? Hire Process Server Lance Casey & Associates. Call us at (800) 683-4769. The process is easy. Just email or Fax (916) 244-2636 your documents. We can even pick up your documents if you’re in the Sacramento area. After we print your documents, we will call you and obtain payment over the phone. Our first attempt is usually the same day.
Request For Civil Harassment Restraining Orders (CH-100)
Can a Civil Harassment Restraining Order Help Me?
Notice of Court Hearing
Temporary Restraining Order (CLETS-TCH)
Response to Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders
How Can I Respond to a Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders?
Civil Harassment Restraining Order After Hearing (CLETS-CHO)
Proof of Personal Service
What Is "Proof of Personal Service"? (Civil Harassment)
Proof of Service of Response By Mail (Civil Harassment)
Confidential CLETS Information
Notice of Hearing and Temporary Restraining Order
Civil Harassment Restraining Order After Hearing (CH-130)
Person Seeking Protection
Person From Whom Protection is Sought
Description of Harassment
Personal Conduct Orders
Stay Away Orders
Additional Protected Persons