What To Say When Serving Divorce Papers?

Process Server Lance Casey & Associates states “The most important step is to make sure you are serving the correct person either by name or photo.  I hand them the documents and tell them they are being served legal papers.”  Need a good process server in the Sacramento California area to serve your legal documents?  Hire Process Server Lance Casey & Associates.  Call us at (800) 683-4769.  The process is easy.  Just email Ljkc916@gmail.com or Fax (916) 244-2636 your documents.  We can even pick up your documents if you’re in the Sacramento area.  After we print your documents, we will call you and obtain payment over the phone.  Our first attempt is usually the same day.

Do You Need To Serve Divorce Papers / FL-100 Petition For Dissolution of Marriage? Call Now (800) 683-4769

Process Server Sacramento what to say when serving divorce papers

Sacramento's #1 Process Server Lance Casey & Associates will serve your divorce papers.  FL-100 Petition - Marriage/Domestic Partnership, FL-105 Declaration Under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA), FL-110 Summons (Family Law), FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons (Family Law), FL-130 Appearance, Stipulations, and Waivers (Family Law-Uniform Parentage-Custody and Support), FL-142 Schedule of Assets and Debts (Family Law).  

We Serve Divorce Papers

Need To Divorce Papers?

Call Now!

(800) 683-4769

Steps To Serve Divorce Papers:

  1. Complete the online form below.  You will be contacted by either by telephone or email.  The base price to serve your divorce papers is $100. Additional fees charged for services like rush service, stake out, service attempts at multiple locations like their job, home, mom's house, large pages of documents to print ect.  Hopefully your documents are in an electronic format (PDF).  I can meet you in the Sacramento area to pick up the documents.  
  2. Once You accept the offer to serve the divorce papers, you will receive a telephone call for payment.  Service will start after payment is received.
  3. Email your documents to Ljkc916@gmail.com, Fax (916) 244-2636 or I can meet you to pick up the documents.  I will call you and obtain payment over the phone.
  4. You will be notified via email/text once the person is served.
  5. We will complete the Proof of Personal Service and mail the original to  you via first class mail.  If you need a rush on the proof of service and have it either delivered to you personally or filled with the court an additional fee will be charged.


Complete The Form Below

  • List your first and last name if not a firm.
    Please select the type of service needed. Routine process service is usually attempted on the same day. Have multiple addresses to attempt, or is the defendant avoiding service of process? You need to order the hard to serve defendant.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Process Service Must Be Completed By this Date.
  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 128 MB.
      You can also email documents with instructions to serviceofprocess916@gmail.com