Do You Need Social Security Number For 1099?
My name is Lance Casey and I am a private investigator. I have been providing business owners social security numbers of independent contractors for over 20 years. It’s completely legal for me to give you an independent contractor’s social security number to complete a 1099 MISC form.
Complete The Form Below To Get Independent Contractors Social Security Number To Complete 1099 MISC Form.
Get Tax ID Number Independent Contractor
How To Find Independent Contractor's Someone’s Social Security Number? Our service will help you find someone’s ssn only knowing the name, approximate age, address. Complete form below and you will receive an online invoice for payment.
If a business (including sole proprietors) pays a contractor, vendor, or another person (collectively referred to as a “payee”) $600 or more for services, goods, or rent over the course of a tax year, the business is required to report these payments to the IRS on an information return called Form 1099. See, e.g., I.R.C. § 6041. The 1099 must state the payee’s name, address, and tax identification number (TIN), as well as the total amount paid to the payee during the year, in order to be valid. See I.R.C. §§ 6041 and 6109(A)(3); Treas. Reg. §§ 1.6041-6 and 301.6109-1.
Can I Refuse To Fill Out A W9?

Yes you can refuse to fill out a W-9 Request For Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification if you feel its is suspicious.
No Address For 1099

Do I Need An EIN To Issue A 1099?
The 1099 form need to be completed with all the required information. This includes the recipient’s address. No Address For 1099 is not acceptable. A private investigator skip trace search can provide the independent contractor’s address for the 1099 Form.
Can Employer File 1099 Without Social Security Number?

The IRS requires ever person who files a tax return provide their social security number or tax ID number. If a business owner submits a 1099 without a social security number, the business may be hit with a penalty.
File 1099 Without Social Security Number
If the contractor or freelance worker did not fill out a W9 form and you can’t obtain that information prior to the filing deadline, you may send a 1099 form to the contractor and the IRS without it. However, you should be aware that the IRS will charge you a penalty for submitting an incomplete form unless you can show there was a reasonable cause for omitting the Social Security or tax identification number.
Do You Need Social Security Number For 1099?
You may submit a 1099 to the IRS without the Social Security Number. The IRS may impose a penalty on your company for doing this.
- A business is required to include a payee’s name, address, and TIN on any 1099 information returns filed with respect to the payee. If the business fails to include the required information on the filed 1099(s), the business may be subject to penalties for such failures.