Judgment Collection Agency Near Me

Congratulations on winning your judgement in court. You may have thought that when you won the judgment, the debtor was going to start paying you the money that they owe you. Well by now you must have realized that just because you won a judgment doesn’t mean you are going to receive any money. The judgment recovery process is totally up to you. The courts are not going to make the debtor pay you. You have to find the money and assets yourself.

how to collect small claims judgment california

My name is Lance Casey and I am a Private Investigator in California.  I am not a judgment collection attorney.  I am a judgment collection specialists. Wage Garnishment.

Your Original Judgment Amount:$
The Date Your Judgment Was Entered:
Annual Interest Rate: %
Daily Interest You Are Earning:
Number of Days Since You Won Your Judgment:
Interest You Have Earned On Your Judgment:
Value of Your Judgment Today:

I Have A Judgment Against Someone How Do I Collect?

Complete the Judgement debtor profile worksheet below for a free post judgment collection California evaluation.  Private investigator Lance Casey will contact you and discuss your judgment collection options which could include assigning the judgement to us to track down judgment debtors, their social security number,  assets, employers, real estate, and personal property.

Questions:  Call/Text Us At (916) 672-2193

Judgement Debtor Profile Worksheet

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Enter the county & state where the judgement was obtained. Example: Sacramento County California